Daryll & Viviana’s Sentroma Wedding in Tiana
This was no ordinary wedding, Daryll and Viviana were self proclaimed nerds. Even the proposal was 100% unique (and just a little bit nerdy). Daryll proposed through a Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy Scavenger Hunt. All the way from Seattle they came to us with their vision of the dream wedding. In their words “a simple ceremony officiated by our two best friends surrounded by a small number of family and friends then having some light cocktails and some dancing and dinner”. Simple, affordable, elegant, nerdy, and fun”. Sentroma is a historical venue with so much charm (it was built to house to original Consulate of Monaco and also boasts Roman remains). For this one of a kind wedding we decided on a “library theme” which we brought to life with real books as decor (100 años de Soledad by Gabriel García Márquez) and a vintage Olivetti typewriter with an actual book for the seating planning and library cards for escort cards. We hope you love the photos by And I Love You So as much as we did.
Decor and Planning Barcelona Brides
Florist Pepe Vonstrudel
Photos And I Love You So
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